Monday, February 18, 2013

CBS Playing Conservative At Grammy Awards

A few days before the 55th Annual Grammy Awards, CBS sent out a dress-code memo to make sure that “…buttocks and female breasts are adequately covered. Thong type costumes are problematic…” If we consider that Katy Perry’s green dress with full view cleavage is within the rules, then people chose relatively conservative outfits.

 Although throughout the history of the Grammy Awards there have been crazy outfits from extroverted personalities, last time an attendee wore a  “problematic” costume was 13 years ago, when Jennifer Lopez chose to wear a sexy green Versace dress that looked more like a semi-open bathrobe. So, why is CBS so particularly interested in forcing a dress code this year as opposed to the year after Jennifer Lopez’s almost naked gown exhibition? 

I don't exactly know the answer to that question, but Janet Jackson’s wardrobe malfunction at the Super Bowl almost cost CBS a half million dollar fined by the FCC for obscenity, so is it understandable that CBS producers want to be safe than sorry.

Ironically, it is not hard to agree that popular media currently has much more explicit sexual material on TV programming or advertisements than the outfits celebrities wear on the red carpet. CBS carries images as part of its commercial culture in which women are being treated as property and commodities, but there is no rule for regulating these images.

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